
OST-HS23: Open Science Tools
authoring and publishing workflows for collaborative scientific writing

Lars Schöbitz

October 24, 2023

Website development

Add pages

  • Blog
  • Slides
  • Events

Our turn

Let’s now add a blog component to our website.

  • Add a folder called posts and create minimal blog post entry

  • Collect posts from a blog page using the listings feature.


Our turn

Let’s now add a slides component to our website.

  • Add a folder called slides and create a minimal slide deck
  • Collect the slide deck from a page using the listings feature.

Your turn

  • Work on your first blog post for the website and use the content you have prepared as part of your homework

Wrap up

Copy from others

Browse websites built with Quarto and find the elements you like.

Check Awesome Quarto repository

Go through the entries in the Awesome Quarto repository and get inspired.