
OST-HS23: Open Science Tools
authoring and publishing workflows for collaborative scientific writing

Lars Schöbitz

October 17, 2023

Version Control

Version Control with Git and GitHub

A way to share files with others, so they can:

  • download
  • re-use
  • contribute

You can view the history of files, and jump back in time to any point.

Why is it useful?

Git and GitHub

  • Git is a software for version control
  • Created in 2005
  • Popular among programmers collaboratively developing code
  • Tracks changes in a set of files (directory/folder/repository)

  • GitHub is a hosting platform for version control using Git
  • Launched in 2008, aquired by Microsoft in in 2018 for US$ 7.5 billion
  • 100 million Users (20.5 in 2022 alone) (October 2023)

Version Control - Terminology

Our turn

Stage -> Commit -> Push

  • Open your exercises repository in RStudio on Posit Cloud
  • Open the Git pane
  • Stage all files by clicking on the checkbox
  • Click Commit button
  • Add a commit message
  • Click Commit button
  • Click Push button
  • Add GitHub username
  • Add GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)

Your turn

  • Exchange GitHub usernames with your neighbor
  • Open your exercises project in RStudio on Posit Cloud
  • Find the issue tracker
  • Open an issue with the title “Prepare about.qmd for personal website”
  • Add yourself and your neighbor to the list of Assignees on the right panel
  • Add a comment to the issue and tag the course instructor (@larnsce) and the Assignee to ask for a review
  • Click Submit new issue